Category: Kids

the unstoppable squirm

January 8th, 2008 — 3:49pm

I’m at Tangle today with Honor. He decided that he wanted to learn to knit, so I sat down with him and tried to teach him. In between each stitch we made, he lept up and had to do a squirmy dance before settling back down to the next stitch. After about six stitches, he was done, promising that he would knit next time we are here.

It’s all he can do to even begin to contain himself why we are here. I think what he needs is perhaps a giant hamster wheel so he can try to expend his unquenchable energy. Now, just where would I put it?

3 comments » | Honor

maniuplator in training

January 7th, 2008 — 4:53pm

“Mom, I’ll give you a hug if you give me dessert and if you don’t give me dessert, I won’t give you a hug.”

2 comments » | Honor, quote of the week

leftover minestrone soup

December 16th, 2007 — 2:37pm

“Mom, this bean is Lord of the Beans!”

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indicitive of their personalities

November 29th, 2007 — 11:12am

In our quest to rid the house of mountains of toys that the kids don’t bother to play with, we’ve been encouraging the kids to save up money from chores so they can buy their own toys. Our thought is that they might appreciate the toy more if they’ve purchased it themselves.

So the other day Jim helped Eden and Honor check out their piggy banks to see how much they’ve saved. Eden pulled out six dollars and some change. Honor pull out the title to our house all crumpled up with a big “H” scribbled on it in marker.

6 comments » | gah!, Kids

nice and sweet

November 1st, 2007 — 7:07pm

Eden has been experiencing an independent, slightly defiant, kindergarten spirit lately. Everything I tell her to do, she argues with me about. I’ve been trying to point out to her that the reason she keeps getting in trouble is because she refuses to obey, but it’s taking some time to sink in.

The other day, after she got in trouble for arguing with me, she looked at me and said, “Why can’t you be nice and sweet like your mom?” (My mom quite appreciated this sentiment.)

3 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

the four year old

October 2nd, 2007 — 6:08pm

Honor turned 4 last Friday. We celebrated the day with a much sought after trip to Chuck E Cheeses and a nice load of 100% boy presents. And finished off the day with a few friends and some pirate cup cakes.

Friday morning, after we had given him his Walkie Talkies, the sock monster I sewed for him (pics coming) and his Play mobile pirate ship, Honor looked up at me and asked, “Mom, am I four now?” And wow, has he embraced is 4 year old-ness. He keeps listing off all the things he can do now that he’s four, like wear big 4 year old clothes (that won’t stay up on his butt) and play out in the front yard by himself (that I won’t let him do) and turn his transformer into the guy. But not the “tar”. “Dust” to the guy. The newness of being four has not worn off yet, so I continue to play the 4 year old card, “Stop, whining, you’re four.” It’s still working, so at least that. I guess one thing to be said about Honor is that things are never boring when he’s around…

(BTW, Unfortunately I’ve got proof that he didn’t magically transform into an angel Friday morning.)

4 years old

4 years old

pirate cupcakes

4 years old

4 years old

3 comments » | Honor

such a kindergardener

October 1st, 2007 — 6:10pm

“Raise your hand if you everyone wants to sit by you at dinner.” (That would be me.)

“Raise your hand if you like to sit by Tucky.” (That would be thing 1 and thing 2.)

“Raise your hand if you like to sit on the toilet and play with the computer.” (That would be someone else that lives in this house.)

2 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

Look at my moustache mom!

September 10th, 2007 — 12:28pm

look at my moustache mom!

(he did this all by himself)

1 comment » | Honor


September 6th, 2007 — 1:26pm

This week, we started back to our fall schedule at Tangle. That means that one week I work 3 week days and one week I work 1 week day and the weekends. It’s a great schedule, but to say that Honor has been giving me fits while he is at the store with me, is an understatement.

I was pretty certain that once Eden started school, he would start behaving for me. To a degree it’s helped, but he’s still pretty dern naughty most the time we’re at the store. I was really hoping that he could just hang out with me while I worked, but he’s the kind of kid that can’t have my attention stolen from him for one second. Even if we’re in opposite rooms, the second there is the potential to steal away my attention, he’s gotta have ALL of it. Immediately. The big, giant, screaming fits just don’t fly, but he still tries.

I’ve started looking for preschools for him to attend, but so far most of them are only half days and I need a whole day. (I probably should have been doing this months ago… so much for my wishful thinking.) And I’ve been trying to ask friends too, but nothing thus far has worked out. And I just can’t stick him in a daycare.

I’m super frustrated and I don’t know what to do. Not having a solution stresses me out more than anything. And I just want to get along with my little kiddo. Being at odds with him is very unsettling.

6 comments » | Honor

miss kindergardener

August 24th, 2007 — 8:10am

So, this week has been jam-packed with events – some exciting, some sad, some stressful and some just plain exhausting. I’ve been battling a terrible cold, so the only one I have energy to blog about is probably the most momentous. Eden started Kindergarden on Wednesday.

miss kindergardener on her way to her first day of school

She is just loving it. And I suspect that Honor is loving his time alone with me too (as evidenced by his sudden good behavior – thank GOD!) When I picked her up, the first thing she said to me was, “Mom, school took forever!” 8 hour days would be a lot to adjust to! But today she is off (and every Friday hereafter) and she is wishing she could go back.

Although I’ve been very calm about the whole thing, I’m really relieved that she’s enjoying school. And I continue to be SO thankful that she got into her school. With all the craziness going on this week, knowing that she is safe and getting a good education is seared in my mind as a huge blessing.

2 comments » | Eden

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