Category: Kids

whatever it takes

August 14th, 2007 — 11:36am

Yesterday we were in Old Navy trying on a mountain of clothes for school. Honor only had one thing to try on (hello Old Navy, I don’t want to dress my almost 4 year old in teddy bears and clouds!) so he got restless quickly. Luckily I happened to be prepared and pulled a bag of health food animal cookies out of my purse.

He seemed to think this was the best thing ever and told me, “Mom, these cookies make naughty boys be good.”

3 comments » | Honor, quote of the week

growing up all at once

August 7th, 2007 — 5:29pm

Eden got a cute, handwritten letter from her kindergarden teacher in the mail the other day. She starts school in two weeks. We’ve started to do a little shopping around for clothes and school accessories. Often times with kids clothes I have to be convinced that I like something before I buy it, so we need a few precursory trips to the mall before I’ve decided what we should purchase.

At first I was really excited for her to be going to school. Sometimes, corralling these two is hard on me, and I thought it would be so great to have some alone time with Honor. (I’ve always thought that was the odd thing about having a second, you’re never alone with them.) But as school time creeps up, I find that I’m starting to feel a little anxious about my baby leaving the house. I think she’s a little nervous about being away from me too.

And I keep wondering, have I taught her enough? Is she really ready to be all on her own? Is she going to starve without free access to the fridge all day? Maybe I’ve held onto the reins a little too tightly? I hope that she’s ready to be loving to her peers, to accept them for themselves and to not project her little beliefs onto them. I hope she’s strong and stands up for herself and those who can’t. I hope that her new friends won’t influence her in the wrong direction and I hope that she won’t influence her new friends in the wrong direction either.

Going to kindergarden sort of seems like growing up all at once, I just hope that we did this whole parenting thing right enough that she won’t fall on her face come growing up time.

4 comments » | Eden

the most compassionate person I know

July 4th, 2007 — 12:01pm

“Mommy, Eden hit me.”

“Go tell Daddy.”

“No, I don’t wike to tell Daddy when me and Eden hit each other, he just says “good”.

2 comments » | Honor, quote of the week

watching too much tv

June 22nd, 2007 — 8:42am

(Honor, while we were driving by Best Buy.)

“A couple months ago, this used to be the toy store with real toys. But now it’s daddy’s toy store and it’s called Best Buy.”

“Did you just say ‘a couple months ago’?”

2 comments » | Honor


June 11th, 2007 — 2:53pm

I just finished cutting Honor’s hair. It’s been long overdue, but I’ve been putting it off because it’s always such a traumatic experience. I tried a new technique today though. Bribery. I told him that if he didn’t throw a fit during his hair cut, that we’d go buy a transformer. Everything was going great when the clippers stopped working. I had Jim come take a look at them, he got them working and I proceeded to shave a huge spot out of the side of Honor’s head. OOOPS, I forgot to put the attachment back on the clippers.

Of course that couldn’t have felt good, so Honor started crying, I kept saying, “OH, NO!” (bad idea) and that was the end of the peaceful haircut. And now, the poor kid is sporting a very short cut. I feel like such a ding-dong.

4 comments » | hair, Honor

inside joke

May 25th, 2007 — 1:13pm

A couple Saturdays ago Jim and I were laying in bed. Eden came into jump on us and Jim let out a big, loud fart. And in true Jim fashion, he blamed it on me.
“I don’t fart like that.” I told Eden.
To which she replied, “Sometimes Sarah does.”

Yep, you can always count on kids to point out your flaws. And when mine aren’t doing it for me, they keep busy doing it for everyone else.

3 comments » | Eden

how sweet

May 16th, 2007 — 5:49pm

“Honor, you’re so cute.”

“Mom, you’re so adorkable.”

1 comment » | Honor

the shorts

May 10th, 2007 — 3:49pm

Honor has taken latey to throwing major fits. Yesterday I had to insist that he wear shorts, as the weather around here is finally normalizing. He decided that he didn’t want to wear shorts. And proceded to whine and scream about it for an hour straight. I had a meeting at 10, so I had to drop the kids off at Jim’s office and Honor was still throwing a fit about his shorts.

Jim took him into the bathroom and they had a long talk. Honor came out not screaming and he and Jim told me what they talked about. “Boys don’t cry about shorts.” they told me. I guess that’s a good rule to live by.

4 comments » | Honor


April 23rd, 2007 — 11:33am

Earlier today I told Eden to go get dressed. A couple minutes later she came out of her room and said, “Mom, I think we need a faster washing machine.”

Do you think it’s time to do laundry?

2 comments » | Eden

she’s too sweet

April 17th, 2007 — 3:04pm

apirl 14 soccer game

I uploaded a few photos from Saturday’s soccer game. Eden turns out to be a pretty fast runner, but she’s not very aggressive. She doesn’t get in there and steal the ball away from all those little girls. But when she does get the ball, she runs up and down the field with a huge smile on her face – it’s totally obvious that she’s loving it.

After the game, over a roasted turkey sandwich at Quiznos, she said to me, “I’m having a rough day mom.” I asked her why she was having a rough day and she said, “because I didn’t make any goals.”

Doesn’t that just make you melt a little?

2 comments » | Eden

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