October 16th, 2007 — 12:26pm
•Yesterday was blog action day and I missed it! But I’d like to go ahead and write about my dish washer detergent discoveries. Back when I started becoming more aware of my environmental impact, I decided to switch to Seventh Generation dish detergent. I probably costs close to twice what I pay for Cascade at Target, but I felt like the extra 2-4 dollars a month was worth it.
What I didn’t realize is how much better it makes my food taste. I realized this when I ran out of dish soap and didn’t have time to run to the health food store to pick up more. So I just grabbed a box of Cascade from Target. Whenever I would drink out of plastic cups washed with Cascade the taste of soap and chemicals was SO bad that I couldn’t stand it! Even out of glass containers, the soap taste came through. So! Not only is using seventh generation more eco friendly, but it also makes me not freak out when drinking water. (As we all know, this happens frequently.)
•Do you think it’s possible to for your eyelashes to get longer? I think possibly mine might have gotten a tiny bit longer. This would be a very important event.
•Today is our 8th anniversary. Wow that’s a long time! But it’s been a good 8 years and I am SO thankful for my husband and our marriage. yay!

12 comments » | eyelashes, marriage, random monday
March 10th, 2005 — 3:16pm
Anybody who knows me knows that if you want to insult me, just tell me that I have short eyelashes. I DO have short eyelashes, but I don’t need to be TOLD about it all the time. My friend Brooke (hi Brooke!) has the longest eyelashes in the history of the world. I try not to hold it against her. And I don’t know HOW Honor ended up with loooong eyelashes, maybe he’s not really mine? Eden’s are way longer than mine too.
Anyway, my super mascara. The nice thing about being an Avon lady is that I get to try new products before they become available in the catalogue. Last week I ordered in some new mascara called False Lash Effect. I love it. Most people (including Brooke) can tell the difference. We’re talking tenths of millimeters here, but still… longer is longer. I’m impatiently waiting for the day they can do eyelash implants. But until then, I’m happy with my new mascara, I’m glad Honor hasn’t lost it (yet).
EDIT: Ok, I now realized that I already wrote about this awhile back. Oh, well, now you know how obsessed I am.
3 comments » | eyelashes
December 3rd, 2004 — 1:39pm
My family will tell you that the easiest way to insult me is to tell me that I have short eyelashes. Nevermind the fact that it’s true, I’m just very sensitive about my eyelashes. If I were ever to have cosmetic surgery, it would be an eyelash implant. (If there is such a thing.)
It’s beyond me how my children got such long eyelashes; Jim’s aren’t anything to rave about. Today Eden wanted to “play makeup” with me, so I applied some mascara. Take a look at these puppies. (Note: I bribed her with candy to get her to smile for the picture.)

Also, my cousin got the poncho I made her in the mail the other day and here is a picture of her daughter, Taylor, modeling it.

6 comments » | eyelashes