Category: gah!

surely I’m not the only greenie in Colorado

August 17th, 2007 — 12:18pm

Yesterday I stopped in Walgreens to pick up some more happy pills (buy one get one free too!). I had about 6 items and because I left my purse in the car and only grabbed my wallet, I didn’t have my reusable shopping bag.

I told the cashier that I didn’t need a bag, and she argued that I had a lot of things to carry. “That’s ok,” I told her, “I’m not a fan of plastic.”

“Oh, you must be from California.” She replied.

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some people

June 29th, 2007 — 1:53pm

So, after our second trip to Whole Foods, we loaded everything up in the van (borrowed from my FIL) and prepared to hit the road. I had my door partially open, rinsing out and filling up water bottles. I noticed that the people parked next to me were walking up to get into their vehicle, so I shut my door and turned to talk to Jim, waiting for them to leave so I could resume. That’s when the woman knocked on my window, pointed to me and then pointed to this big gash in the side of her vehicle. So I got out of the car to talk to her, dumping everything I had in my lap onto the floor of the van.

She started accusing me of making the big scrape on her vehicle, and I told her that I hadn’t even had my door open all the way. At that point Jim joined us on the other side of the van and she continued to accuse. “It’s obvious that you scraped my car with your door.” So I looked at our door, no signs of a scrape. We slowly opened up the door to meet her car, the door hit after the scrape. Jim tells her that it doesn’t line up, “Well it’s obvious to me that you did this.” she says. “My wife would have known if she hit your door that hard.” he tells her. I asked, “Where’s the black paint on my door?” (her car was black). “I don’t know, but it’s obvious that you did this.”

At that point she wasn’t willing to listen to reason. Jim tells her, “I don’t mean to be a jerk, but I disagree that we did this.” And she tells him, “Well if you had a conscience…” Jim leaned over and told me that we were going to leave. So I hopped in the car and he started to make his way back over to his side. She told him that he was being a bad example for his kids and that he had no conscience. That was when Jim got really mad, “Don’t call me a liar just because I don’t agree with you.” And he got in the car and we left.

I looked back at her car as we started to drive away, and I noticed that her daughter was rubbing the scrape. What I had previously thought to have been the white primer showing through underneath, was actually white transfer from whatever had actually caused the damage in the first place. The girl wiped it off. So, um yeah, lady, we were driving a gold van, not only was there no way our door could have caused the scrape because of the placement, but also, there was no way we could have deposited white paint on your car.

Jim drove away seething, I was unaffected. Probably because I was still high on my elation from spending the last 30 minutes in Whole Foods. :)

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the ewww factor

May 18th, 2007 — 1:08pm

We live in a very old house (built 1895), down town. The “nice” thing about an old house is that you get such a nice cross breeze – it’s definitely not sealed up tight. And that means that lots of creepy crawlies find their way in.

With all that being said, guess what woke me up this morning? (Let me give you a hint, this has been one of my worst fears.)

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the business of much busyness and more busy business

November 14th, 2006 — 4:25pm

So that about sums it up. I am so super exceedingly, beyond comprehensibly busy. Busy. I’m putting together tons of kits for the holiday sales, I’m getting out a 650 piece newsletter (please note, office max will charge you $17 more for printer toner if you buy it in the store rather than online… that is of course, if you do not have my mothers genes that can do nothing but ensure that you don’t get ripped off when faced with over priced toner… then, of course, you pay the online price.) and – ha! – I’m also trying to get some knitting done, if only to preserve my failing sanity. (Like that’s going to happen.)

So, because the table in the yarn store is piled SO high with things for me to do and it’s only an hour until closing time, I leave you with a few more things I’ve knitted recently. (I think I need some chocolate.)

The Small Shawl
small shawl

Yarn is Fiesta Rayon Boucle, 1 Skein
Size 15 Addi turbos

Buttoned Fingerless Mittens
buttoned fingerless mittens

Yarn is Misti Alpaca – 1 skein for a pair
Size 8 addi turbos
And, opposed to the certain other buttoned fingerless mittens that you might find in certain other places, my buttons are functional.

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September 19th, 2006 — 11:38am

I’ve been frantically working on getting my next newsletter for the yarn store mailed out. This time I’ve come upon hurdle after hurdle. Read about Jim’s problems with the printing company here. His account isn’t even half of what he’s gone through with them.

Thursday we paid $100 for overnight shipping, because the newsletter was taking so long. The came Monday afternoon. Um, yeah, sure, that’s overnight…

Now they’re here and folded and I’m determined that NOTHING will stand in my way (not even this stupid cold I’m fighting) of me getting the newsletters in the mail!!!

Wish me luck.

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the vague-ness award

June 7th, 2006 — 8:38am

Gosh, I have so much stuffed inside my brain lately that I can hardly think. There are many things teetering on the brink of change and I feel a little directionless. Well, actually, I feel really directionless. As a teenager, I hated being told what to do, but now that some big decisions are looming over me, I’m starting to think there is something to be said for being told what to do.

As I’ve sought out advice, many people have asked me, “Have you prayed about it.” I wish that it were as easy as just praying about it. Praying (and praying and praying) doesn’t mean that you’ll get an answer. I think some things God leaves in your court; he gave me a brain, and I think he expects me to use it.

Life is so rarely smooth sailing. How many times do we sit and think, “my life is perfect right now”? But, I guess, life is about change. And change isn’t bad, it’s just the unknown, and it can be hard to plow ahead when you don’t know where you’re going.

(I apologize for the lack of details, I just can’t go into it right now, but not to worry, it’s nothing “bad.”)

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