Archive for August 2004

Wake me up when it’s all done

August 11th, 2004 — 9:17am

I have been lacking SO much energy lately. I’m not sure why, I got 9 hours of sleep last night and I am still so sleepy. Before all of you mean people out there think it, I’M NOT PREGNANT. When ever I feel even a little bit off, I’m always accused of being pregnant. It’s not like I get pregnant by Jim looking at me or anything…

I’m thinking that I need to start exercising, well, I know I need to start exercising, but I’m just so tired! I can hardly get off my butt to do anything let alone really exert myself!

I’ve got so much to do today, I have no clue how I am going to accomplish it all. I have to get all the games ready for youth group, including extras because the are having a leadership meeting in the youth room and the youth get kicked outside until they are finished. I have to plan extra games depending on how long it is before we can go back into the youth room.

I need to go grocery shopping, which is no easy feat with my two wonderful children. By the time the basket get full, Eden has to get out and she refuses to stay close to the cart, no matter how much I threaten to discipline her. Trust me I threaten.

I also have mountians of laundry to wash. We’re going camping this weekend and I still have laundry from our last camping trip to wash.


I’ve got several changes to make on different websites. AND to top it all off I need to pay bills.


All I really want to do is go back to bed.

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so Tired…

August 8th, 2004 — 9:48pm

Happy 50th birthday to my stepdad, Mike.

Our trip to Denver was fun. We had a great time. The Rockies game was a good experience, although rather boring. (They won, by the way.) Waterworld is really cool, I just wished that the lines were not SO STINKIN LONG! We ended our day in the wave pool which was really fun and a little bit scary. OK, more than a little scary. There is something kinda freaky about a huge wave coming at you throwing bodies toward you. Really.

I missed my babies. I guess that Saturday night, before I got home, Eden kept looking out the window asking, “Is that mommy? Is that mommy?” It makes me feel sad. Honor was so mad at me when I first got home. He would not let me hold him and wouldn’t let me nurse him until I left the room and he realized that he might want me. But today when he woke up, he was fine. I’m glad. For a minute there I thought that he would never nurse again and I would be in boob suffering hell like dooce.

Yawn, I’m going to bed. The girls only let me get 4 hours of sleep because they stayed up late giggling and then decided to order a wake up call for 6am. I’m the only one who woke up. They will be punished later.

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August 4th, 2004 — 9:23am

For the past several months, Jim and I have been helping out with our church youth group. The youth group is going to Denver on Friday, where they will attend a Rockies game. Saturday they will go to Waterworld and then travel on to home. Somehow, I’m not really sure how (but Jim and some fish and chips were involved), I have been roped into “sponsoring” this trip. This all means that I will be leaving my baby with Jim for about 30 hours. This is my baby who is addicted to my boobs!
I’ve been pumping as much as I can, but the problem with that is that Honor always wants to nurse therefore, I can’t pump.
Anyway, it should be interesting. I think I will have a lot of fun and a break will be nice. I’m also glad that Jim will be doing my job for a whole 30 hours. He may have a deeper appreciation of me when this is all said and done.
The only sad part about traveling to Denver is that I won’t have a chance to shop at the Childrens Place. I have gotten the greatest clothes there for Eden. I guess that we’ll have to plan another trip soon.

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camping and happy birthday Brooke

August 1st, 2004 — 9:20am

Today is Brooke’s birthday and I will give her the top secret poncho. I’ve neglected to keep updated pictures of my progress but here is a pic of the finished product.

It only took me a week to make, I was surprised when I was finished, but I did spend a large amount of my time knitting during that week!

Ok! on to camping.

Friday night we camped with my mom and stepdad and their friends up on the Uncompahgre.

Eden had a great time playing in the dirt, except for when she tripped and fell face first.

There were cows grazing around where we camped, therefore many many cow pies. Eden learned all about cow pies. She also enjoyed going pee pee on the “floor” especially when she learned that cows go pee pee on the “floor.” One time she exclaimed (while peeing) “Wook, I’m a cow!”

Honor has a hard time camping. It will be much easier when he can walk. I just hate to let him crawl all through the dirt and weeds and bugs, although, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind it! So, most of the time he was passed from person to person.

At least he slept at night unlike my other child!

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