Archive for September 3rd, 2004

I can do it myself.

September 3rd, 2004 — 4:56pm

Eden has taken to telling us when she can do something without help. And even if she can’t she still tells us, “I can do it myself.” Of course when she discovers that she can’t do it herself, she throws a huge whopping fit, screaming and freaking out until someone helps her do whatever it is she needs. I’m not too fond of the fits.

Today we got the invatations for Fiesta Blevinza printed out and ready to mail. Tomorrow we will walk down to the post office and mail them out. I’ve got to get my moms cotton candy machine fixed sometime this month. If we have nothing else to eat at this fiesta, there WILL be cotton candy.

I also started on another scarf. This one is forrest green and knitted on a bias. I’m too lazy to take a picture right now, but I’ll have one up soon.

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