24 hours and nurse free
I’ve decided to wean Honor. It’s time. But he sure doesn’t think so. I swear, the kid would nurse 5, 6 times a day if I let him! So far he has gone 24 hours without nursing and he’s not freaking out too much. I’m hoping and praying that I will be like my cousin and drop 30 pounds after I quit nursing. It’s a long shot, but hey, it’s worth hoping for!
Also, Honor’s tooth finally popped through. For the past TWO MONTHS his upper pre molar has been trying to come in. It has been super swollen and here’s the gross part: The gum was not only swollen but black. Black. yuck. I took him to the doctor and he thought it was fine. And then he went in a few weeks later for his check up with our regular doctor and he thought that it would probably be ok too. Finally, two weeks ago, I took him into the dentist, who took one look at it and said it was fine. It didn’t look fine to me. But it turns out that it was, indeed, fine. Thank God. I envisioned Honor needing to have major mouth surgery. (We all know that my imagination gets a little overactive when it comes to worring about my kids.)
Hopefully, now, I’ll have a much happier little kid. Of course I did take his boobs away from him, but I think eventually he will forgive me. I swear! Boys and their boobs!