Archive for February 15th, 2005

What is it about chocolate and flowers?

February 15th, 2005 — 2:50pm

Yesterday was the 8 year anniversary of my first date with Jim. Awww, how sweet, huh? Too bad I was super mad at him. He knew it too, I could tell my the smug expression he had on his face when he walked in the door carrying a huge bouquet of white daisies and my favorite chocolate. (Lindor truffles OH. MY. GOD. SO. GOOD) What is it about chocolate and flowers that just makes us instantly forgive them? I’ll never figure it out, but it’s their secret weapon.

A couple of other things.
I got the prints from Apple in the mail yesterday, they’re SO nice! I’m very impressed. The only thing I don’t like is that they are glossy. I prefer to have my prints matte.

Also, Eden got up in the middle of the night last night and went potty all by herself!!!! In the dark!!!! By herself!!!! Usually she freaks out about being in the dark and has to come all the way around the bed to my side (she can’t ask Jim for some reason) to ask if she can go potty. It’s so nice to have a potty trained child.

Finally, I haven’t been able to get an email out to Gina about the scarf swap. Gina are you out there? Are your squares coming?? Let me know?

3 comments » | Eden, marriage

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