At Camping
Camping was great fun. I didn’t realize how much easier it would be when Honor was able to walk. I think we all came away from it with a renewed desire to camp all summer long. Every where we go this is now the typical conversation with Eden,
“Are we at camping?”
“No, sweetie, we’re at ______.”
“Can we go at camping again?”
“We sure can.”
Honor ran right into the lake and then tripped and was floating face first. Jim was right there and rescued him. I think it gave him a new found (and needed) respect for water. I wasn’t there or I would have taken a picture of him. I know how you all love me to take photos rather than rescue him, so I made sure to take a picture of this.
Everyone waiting for breakfast.
My little camping buddy.
I’m going to sit down this week and plan out our whole summer. I’ve found that if we don’t plan it, we don’t end up doing anything. And Lord knows, we need to go “at camping” again.