December 15th, 2005 — 10:34am
Apparently if you work at Hot Topic, it’s ok to walk around with your love handles and butt crack hanging out.
Target does not want to sell clothes to women, because in the dressing room the have so many mirrors that you can’t help but see your whole entire body at the same time. No one wants to see that much of themselves at once.
Starbucks makes kid drinks, little milk steamers with flavor syrup.
Eden and Honor will inevitably spill their little milk steamers at Target, at the same time, on the floor.
Jim is NOT fun to be around if he has been at the mall for more than one hour, even if you bribe him with computer games and coffee.
I am coming to believe that clothing manufacturers have something personally against me and my body. Everything I try on is either too loose, too tight, or too short. It’s near impossible to find something that FITS!
On the other hand, they love Jim. He can walk into any store and find good clothes.
I am NOT fun to be around when we go to the mall to buy ME clothes and end up walking out with a whole bunch for Jim, even if you bribe me with NOT playing computer games and coffee.
There’s a reason they put the game store across from Victoria’s Secret. It gives men a place to go instead of waiting uncomfortably next to a rack of panties.
#1 lesson from the mall: Going home is the best part.
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December 14th, 2005 — 7:51am
Honor has decided that he likes to sleep in the nude. I went in last night to find he had taken his jammies off (luckily his diaper was still on.) So I put them back on – it was sort of like wrestling a dead fish. I’m just not quite sure WHAT I am going to do with this boy.
4 comments » | Honor
December 13th, 2005 — 11:18am
•Last weekend I taught two of my best friends to knit. That was very exciting for me!
•I just finished felting a very cool bag – pics to come later.
•The menu is up this week. That’s because I finally went grocery shopping. We were down to a can of tuna and some beans.
•It’s actually supposed to snow today. It hasn’t snowed yet and Eden is so excited at the prospect of making a “snow bird.” The sad thing about living in Western Colorado is that even if it does snow, it generally won’t last more than 24 hours.
•Tomorrow or the next day I am forcing my mom to help me make divinity. It’s my most favorite candy, and I am always bugging her to make it. Mmmmm… just thinking about it makes want some SO bad!
•Today or tomorrow I get to pick up my new glasses, which I am very excited about. Honor broke my old pair, but I’ve still had to wear them to drive at night. High class I tell you!
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December 13th, 2005 — 9:50am
Breakfast – sausage and hash browns
Chicken Devan
Steak Soup
Chicken Chow Mein
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December 12th, 2005 — 11:06am
Friday I took Honor to the Pediatric Orthopedist for his foot that turns in. He’s going to have to wear a shoe insert and have physical therapy, but she was hopeful that we could get it much closer to normal in the next couple of years.
While we were there, Honor took every opportunity and then some to test me. While we were waiting (because you know, doctors ALWAYS have to make you wait) he discovered the drinking fountain around the corner from the waiting room. I don’t quite understand why kids love water so much? I held him up so he could get one drink (that mostly ended up on his coat) and the rest of the time I endured questions of, “I want rink? Please?”
When we finally got into the exam room (to wait some more) Honor was delighted to see that there was a little sink with in his reach. I spent the whole time trying to keep him away from that sink.
My final test came when we were waiting again to schedule his appointment with the physical therapist…right by the CHRISTMAS TREE. How was Honor supposed to resist a Christmas tree? He was holding his piece of candy that I had earlier bribed him with, waiting until we got into the car to open it – that in itself is amazing. And he kept going over to the tree saying, “I just look at it.” Yeah, he looked with his hands. So finally I told him, “don’t touch that tree or I’m taking your candy away.” And what did he do? Walked over to the tree and barely touched an ornament with the tip of his finger.
7 comments » | Honor
December 9th, 2005 — 2:36pm
Last night we did our friends a favor, for which they owe us HUGE (ha, ha just kidding guys!) and babysat their kids. It was sort of like what our life would be if we had three sets of twins and Eden was the oldest!
Actually, it was way easier than I had anticipated, although getting them all jammied and diapered was a little tricky. But we survived just fine and their parents arrived to find them all in bed and even some of them were asleep.
I have to say though, that I’m looking forward to a time very soon that I can complete a meal without cleaning up a spilled drink or having some sort of food flung at me. Do you think it’s possible? Hmmm…. probably not with Honor around.
9 comments » | daily
December 8th, 2005 — 11:28am
My mom bought the kids this amaryllis. We’ve watched it grow and change daily. She thought it was going to be red, but Eden was pleasantly surprised that it turned out pink. (When you’re 3, the color of things is REALLY important.)
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December 7th, 2005 — 1:32pm
It’s a crazy busy day today, but I wanted to hop on real fast and say that the person who left that comment stopped by the house last night. Amends have been made and all has been made right. There’s no hard feelings.
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December 6th, 2005 — 10:02am
“Mommy, you’re a sweet boy.”
2 comments » | Honor, quote of the week
December 6th, 2005 — 9:37am
I realize that I’ve been spewing a lot of opinion out here lately – I have had a lot to think about. But, it has been brought to my attention that my comments about Christmas may have offended some people.
I guess first off, I need to say that I don’t apologize for my beliefs, they are what they are. And I don’t apologize for this website, I write it for me and I think it’s a pretty good reflection of who I am. But I think what I need to make clear is that even though I may go against the norm in some ideals I hold, I only hold those standards for myself. Of course I find some of the practices of Christmas wrong, that’s why I don’t do them. But who am I to judge anyone else for what they do? I have enough to worry about myself and my own actions. Everyone must decide for themselves what they will do. In every part of life, each of us will make different decisions. And I find that part of life very beautiful.
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