Archive for December 5th, 2005

freaking fantastic

December 5th, 2005 — 3:24pm

I received this comment today on my post about church. I know who the person is that sent it, but I will keep the name to myself. (ip addresses tell a lot.) I tried to send my response via email, but the address provided was bogus. I am very upset by the fact that I know the person who sent this and that they would actually send this to me.

I find it sad that so many are looking for something that doesn’t even exist…….”The Perfect Church”. We’re putting conditions on what WE want the church to do for us, instead of who we need to become in order to bless other people. We don’t go to church to see what WE can get, we go to church to hear the Word OF GOD and to get equipped to help other people. It’s not about US. We’re suppose to rise above the complaining & moaning about us not getting our way all the time. There will come a time when we have to be accountable to Jesus himself for what we have done with our lives……….What will be your explanation or EXCUSE of why you didn’t go to the church where HE called you? I don’t think He’ll be very pleased when all we have are selfish excuses.

Here is my response.

I just wanted to say that I find this comment to be so incredibly rude and offensive. Not only did you obviously not read my post, but you have no right to tell me where GOD called me. I’m just so shocked that you would be so incredibly judgmental – it’s very disappointing.

I’m going to close comments on this, because I just needed a way to respond to this person, short of calling them on the telephone, which I may still do. I just want to say that people like this are why I hesitate to ever attend another church.

EDIT: I also want to say that anyone who lives in this town and knows me and thinks they might know who this comment is from. Please check with me first before making assumptions.

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some stuff…

December 5th, 2005 — 10:25am

Jim was out of town all weekend, and I was surprisingly busy. I worked and taught a class and worked some more. Eden kept asking me, “Mom, can’t you go on the trip with Dad?” I’m glad she likes to have me around.

I did get to wear my very first sweater this weekend though. The picture isn’t the best, but it’s what you get when you have to take pics of yourself.

my first sweater

The pattern was a very screwed up one from Rowan. Even after I fixed it, it could have been a little longer. Oh, well, live and learn….

I also made another cabled bag awhile ago, but just finally took pictures,

Cabled handbag

and I made this braided scarf for the store.

braided scarf

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