Archive for February 2006

The day Eden was born

February 13th, 2006 — 9:23am

I woke up on the 11th at about 8am to what I can only describe as a rush of water. I remember reaching down to check if anything was wet, and when I realized nothing was, I figured that it was just a dream. When I stood up the water all rushed out. I was soaked. Jim had been laid off from his job two weeks before, so he was in the basement working on his computer. I yelled down at him and he came up to see that my water broke. We were both so excited, we knew that this was the real deal.

I took my time getting ready and packing for the hospital. I wasn’t contracting, but barely having cramps. When we got there, the midwife checked me and told me my options. The baby needed to be out within 18 hours of my water breaking or there would be a risk of infection and I’d have to be on antibiotics. She wanted to go ahead and induce labor at that point, but I was determined to not be induced. We decided that we’d go home and try to get labor going and meet her back at the hospital at 5pm if nothing was happening by then.

We walked and walked and walked. Nothing happened. We sat and watched a stupid movie. I was just not going into labor. So I finally decided that I didn’t want to wait until 5pm and we headed back to the hospital around 2 or 3. My midwife put some gel on my cervix. It sucked, I had to stay laying down on the bed for an hour. Labor started, but it wasn’t anything productive. The contractions were coming, but they weren’t progressing. I think it was finally around 8 or 9pm when I gave in and decided that I would go to the next step of induction. She put a 1/4 of a pill called cytotec on my cervix. Then was when the contractions started really coming.

I got in the hot tub for awhile. The contractions started to get really bad. After having Honor and knowing how fast I labored, I think that at this point things would have gone really fast. But not knowing that, and thinking that I had hours to go, I requested some IV medication. It knocked me out, but didn’t do anything for the pain. It probably slowed things down, but I think it was enough that I could finally sleep between contractions.

Sometime after midnight, the nurse came in to tell me that I could probably have another dose of the medication. She decided to check me first. I remember the amazing relief I felt when she told me, “You’re ready to push!” She called the midwife who had gone home to sleep for awhile. Everyone was so surprised that I was pushing already. And push I did, for over an hour. I was still so out of it from the drugs that I actually fell asleep between pushes. At one point, someone exclaimed, “I think she’s asleep.” It woke me up and I said, “I was dreaming about Bill Clinton.”

Eden was finally born at 1:41 am, Feb. 12. The midwife let Jim help deliver her and when she was almost out, she told me to pull her out. I pulled her onto my chest and she started crying. I remember being so relieved that she was out that I didn’t even ask what sex she was. My mom finally asked, “What is it!?” Jim checked and said, “it’s a girl!”

the day eden was born

She was born with the grumpy face.

squished face

It still seems like it just happened, and it was four years ago. She’s gotten so big.

The four year old

I can’t imagine what my life would be like without my little peanut. She has completely changed our lives, I love waking up to her little grumpy face every day. (And I’ll have to remember that when I tell her to do something and she replies, “Whatever.”)

12 comments » | Eden

Valentines day, early edition

February 10th, 2006 — 9:49am

We went on our valentines day date last night. You have to do these things early when you have to juggle working and birthdays and friends availability to babysit and MY GOING TO STITCHES WEST on Wednesday. (There, I said it, I couldn’t keep it in any longer, the excitement is just too overwhelming! Not to mention that I’m going with Joelene!!!)

Valentines day will be the NINTH anniversary of our first date. Yes, do the math, I was 15. Let’s not get into it. But I just have to say, nine years is a long time.

I came home from the yarn store to find this waiting for me.

happy valentines day to me

He’s so sweet, huh?

We went and had a yummy dinner at Outback and then did what you do on dates when you’ve been together for NINE years: We went to Target and bought things, mostly for the kids. But you know, pretty much any moment we are children free, we consider to be a date. Sometimes Jim gets home from work and they’re both still taking a nap and we eat dinner together and marvel at how date-like it feels. Such is my exciting life. But I am going to STITCHES WEST!!!

9 comments » | holidays

Me when I was one and a half

February 9th, 2006 — 1:13pm

Look like anyone you know?

Me at one and a half

My grandma sent me this picture yesterday in Eden’s birthday card. I was a big kid, I was thinking I was like three in that picture which was going to give me hope for Edens hair, but my mom said that I was only one and a half. Ah… well.

10 comments » | me

sewing and knitting and being a little sad

February 8th, 2006 — 10:31am

I just finished putting Honor’s brace on. He cried and cried the whole time, saying “I don’t want my brace.” It was sad. When we were all done I told him he was a big boy and he said, “I not big, I widdle.”

And onto more cheerful things…

I sewed this! With a lot of help from my mom, who designed the pattern.

the bag that I helped SEW!

And I finished this modified cabled purse. I’m looking for test knitters, so let me know if you’d like to knit this! Thanks, I’ve got lots of test knitters now!

with broach
cabled bag with broach

with bow
cabled bag

I also finished a shawl for my grandma, but this was the best picture I could get of it. The photo really doesn’t do it justice. It’s Kidsilk Haze and a Japanese yarn.

grandmas shawl

19 comments » | bags, Honor, knitting

being the bad guy

February 7th, 2006 — 11:32am

Honor had to get his leg brace and his shoe insert yesterday. I bribed him with a new batman toy so he did pretty good when he was getting it fitted. (It’s actually sort of cool how it works. It’s all soft and held together with velcro. Different straps pull his leg into the right position.) With his brace and his shoe inserts his feet line up perfectly. Now we just have to get his muscles trained to do that on their own.

He got to take them off for his nap, but when we had to put them back on he totally freaked out. It made me so sad! Poor baby! I know he’ll get used to them, but I feel bad that he has to have them. It will be worth it though, he already can run without tripping.

On the bright side, Honor did get some cool new shoes out of the whole ordeal.

honor's new kicks

edit: I wrote about his needing the brace here and here.

5 comments » | Honor

menu – week of Feb 6, 2006

February 7th, 2006 — 8:55am

Burger King YUCK!

Enchilada Casserole

Winter Vegetable Pot Pie

Early V-Day date night!!! Whoo Hoo!!

Salmon Cakes


Eden’s 4th Birthday!! Chuck-E-Cheese mmmmm

4 comments » | Menu

trip to the farm

February 6th, 2006 — 9:10am

We have some friends who live a couple of farm towns away from us. Their oldest daughter is raising pigs for 4H and her mama pig just gave birth to a whole bunch of babies. They invited the kids to come out and see the little piglets.

5 days old
baby piggies

I thought this one had really cool coloring

mama pig
mama pig

Eden and Honor trying to escape the pig pen.
they're trying to escape!

It was a great time for us city folk and Honor even got to eat the egg he brought in from the hen house.

11 comments » | trips

The demise of the carpet

February 3rd, 2006 — 8:43am

And the winner is… A tie! Tish and Joelene. They both gave him three days. Email me with your address Tish (I already have Joelenes) and I’ll mail you out your prize! Here’s a hint, it will be something in the yarn department!

Honor decided that he need to smear foot cream all over my bedroom carpet and my bed. Then he went to the bathroom to wash his hands IN THE TOILET. Then, just for kicks, he dumped the whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet.

I think Joelene’s prize will be HONOR. If I ship him next day air, he should make it just fine…

stinky boy

13 comments » | Honor, messes


February 2nd, 2006 — 2:11pm

Look at my new extremely cool ring! Sterling sliver, 40% off and awesome!

(pardon the camera phone crappiness)
New ring!!!

2 comments » | cool things


February 1st, 2006 — 8:59am

Yesterday I caught Honor coming out of the kitchen with a handful of butter. Do you think he intended it as a snack or finger paint for the carpet?

12 comments » | Honor

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