Potty training, oh how I hate thee.
It’s beyond time to start potty training this boy. I’m done holding my breath for extended periods while I try and wipe up a poop explosion. So I’ve decided that this week will be a crash course in sitting on the potty for Honor. The problem is that his brace is so hard to get off. And if I put it on under his diaper/pull up, it just gets disgusting. So this week will be brace free. My hope is that I can get him to get good enough at sitting on the potty that he can start to wear his brace under a pull up or, dare I say, underware (I wish I could find little tiny boxers) and we can keep his brace clean.
And just now as I paused from writing to make him sit on the potty, I realize that I’m crazy. I should just succumb to the fact that he’s going to be wearing diapers in High School. Even though I’ve done this before, it seems like all my old tricks don’t work. If he sits on the potty and goes, he gets a piece of candy. He could care less. This boy could care less about bribery motivation. I guess that I should not be surprised that my children have very strong opinions about things, although I don’t know where they get it from?