Things have been going really well at the yarn store. Even with it doing well, there still have been long stretches of time where it was slow. I don’t mind this because it gives me time to knit, work on the books or corral the children. (The kids did great on Friday, by the way, probably mostly because it was fairly slow until Jim picked them up at 3 and I was able to devote most of my attention to them.)
I’ve been surprised at what has sold the most… the one and only novelty yarn that I bought. It’s a nice novelty yarn (GGH Esprit), very fluffy and soft and I bought it to make baby blankets. I just find it’s sales funny because every yarn rep I’ve talked to has told me that Novelty is OUT. I guess it’s not THAT out.
A couple days after the lovely Malabrigo came in, I also got a shipment of some beautiful hand dyed yarn, very similar to Colinette’s Point Five. The colors are perfect and this will work perfect for the every popular two hour hat. Today Be Sweet should arrive and because the store is closed on Monday, I will be obsessively driving past the store from the hours of 10 and 4 to see if the UPS man left me a package.
Several people have been asking about the online store. It’s coming along… S L O W L Y. Jim is just so busy at work that I’m thinking of hiring someone else to build me a website! Although I’m not sure I can bring myself to pay someone else. In the meantime, I can do mail order if there is anything anyone wants.
Now, I’m going to go enjoy my day off by doing things like laundry, dishes and grocery shopping.