Archive for October 23rd, 2006

101 reasons not to glue carpet to the floor

October 23rd, 2006 — 10:25am

Last week was an extraordinarily bad week for me. It was terrible in ways that I can’t even say. I was really hoping that this week would be better, but I just cleaned up a gallon of dog crap and it wasn’t the solid kind. It was all over the carpet on the basement stairs. I honestly cannot think of a more disgusting smell. So I tried to use a clothes pin on my nose (really I did) and it was too painful, but with a series of nose pinches and breath holding I managed to get it cleaned up and the carpet pulled out.

See, I’m not sure what genius thought it was a good idea to go ahead and glue ugly green carpet to the cement stairs, but let me tell you, I cursed them the whole time I pried and pulled that carpet up. Wow, that was fun.

(And now begins the product review portion of this post)

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a marketing representative for the new Clorox Ultimate Care bleach. She asked if she could send me a sample of the product if I would honestly review it on my blog. I was mostly curious how she found me, so I agreed to review the bleach, although I never did find out how she found me.

The bleach seems good, it’s a little thicker than regular Clorox bleach and scented. I’ve used it on two loads of laundry now and I have to say that I’m not sure if it is any better than the original. It would probably be good if I ever needed to directly treat a stain because of the thickness. The problem is that it’s scented. Unless it comes in unscented, I don’t think I’ll ever buy it. Honor and I both have eczema, so we have to be really careful with scented laundry soaps.

But I have to say, the lightly scented bleach came in real handy today as I was scrubbing up dog poop. And now the back porch smells more like bleach than it does poop, and that’s really saying something.

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