Archive for April 9th, 2008

wherein I do a stupid thing or breaking in the stove

April 9th, 2008 — 10:48pm

So that roast that I had planned to cook last week… I just cooked it tonight. Or tried to cook it that is. The problem with cooking something in the oven for four hours is that you have to find four hours straight at home to cook. (This is a recipe where the crockpot just doesn’t do.)

So I forgot to get the roast in in time. And it was 4:30 and I really needed to cook the roast because it had been thawed for a few days. So I had the brilliant idea to cook it at a really high temperature… as high as my new stove would go – 500º. I thought I’d get a good sear on the roast before I added the wine/broth mixture to it. And 10 minutes into cooking, I poured the room temperature mixture over the roast and walked away.

Then the stove exploded. Or I should say that the pyrex casserole dish holding my roast exploded. There was a big bang followed by lots of red wine smelling steam and smoke. And I now get to test out the self clean function on my new stove. That is, after I shop vac all the tiny pieces of glass out of it.

And all I really wanted was to eat my roast…

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