Archive for March 8th, 2012

pics from the last week or two (or three)

March 8th, 2012 — 3:20pm

Salad w everything
About once a week we have “Salad with Everything” for dinner. Everyone in the house love it, especially if it’s topped with bacon!

My friend Ivy owns a great clothing store here in town called Pollux. This outfit was on their mannequin outside the store and I couldn’t help but try it on. I didn’t buy it because I have no clue where I would wear it, but it was so fun to try on.

Mom shoes
I’ve been taking a lot of walks lately and my outfits keep getting more and more silly. My friend Rickelle told me that I looked like a mom with my nike’s and skinny jeans… sad but true.

20lbs later
Same outfit as I was wearing in these pictures but 20lbs less.

Dexter has been especially frustrating lately. He refuses to pee outside unless we make him use his dog door, so I spend my days cleaning up lots of puddles… so frustrating for a 2 year old dog.

Tiger lilies
My tiger lilies poking their finger up through the ground.

Tagged tangle :(
Graffiti on Tangle. Not sure why anyone would want to tag a yarn store? But at least it was on the window and pretty easy to remove.

silly picture of me in the new glasses I ordered

upside down Gunni

Donald miller
“No girl who plays the role of a hero dates a guy who uses her.”
From my favorite book, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller.

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