Archive for October 2014

Hey, you, with the broken heart

October 28th, 2014 — 2:49pm

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how often I get to walk with people through broken hearts.  I never knew how much good would come from my own broken heart, but I’m SO incredibly thankful that I have gotten to talk about it. Through telling my story I have been able to help people over and over again. It’s so humbling and I feel so honored.

Several years ago, when I was watching my family fall apart, NO ONE was talking about going through what I went through. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find anyone who was willing to talk about what it was like for them. I found one friend who was going through something super similar and we clung to each other. I was determined that no matter the outcome of my marriage, I was going to talk about it. It wasn’t going to be a secret. I wasn’t going to let one single person go through what I was going through without someone saying to them, “Me too. I went through that too. You can make it.”

I’m so thankful that I’m at a point now that I can say,

“Hey, you, with the broken heart! I PROMISE it will get better. I promise that even though you don’t know what life will look like in 6 months, it can be good if you do the work. There is so much hope, and before you know it, things will start to look sunnier. Hope will start to seep in and soon, you’ll even be able to say that you’re happy. You might even be thankful for the lessons this broken heart taught you. It’s gonna be real good. Pinky promise.”

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Menu – week of October 11, 2014

October 11th, 2014 — 2:18pm

Chicken green chile with tortillas and cheese
Bacon wrapped jalapeño hot dogs (go Broncos!)
Linde’s soup
Enchilada soup
Pasta with spicy Italian sausage
Beef stew

(I see a theme emerging here…)

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