Last weekend I started working on the Frida poncho from MagKnits. I LOVE IT! It’s so fun to knit; sometimes it can get boring doing the same stitch over and over and over again. This is why Frida is great, so much stitch variety. So with all this greatness, there has to be something sad, I don’t have enough yarn. And, I bought it on closeout; I’m so afraid to check and see if the yarn store can get more. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The reason I have not gotten very far on the poncho is that 1, I’m scared about the yarn and 2, I’ve been secretly working on Jennifers birthday scarf. The other night she came home and I had to stuff it between the couch cushions before she could see it. Luckily last night she was out (no school) so I was able to finish it.

I’ve also started on Knitty’s Hallowig. I’m going to attempt to shorten the bangs to more of a punk rock length, but I’m not sure if I’m that good.
Category: knitting One comment »
November 1st, 2004 at 11:02 pm
ooh i love the scarf.. i love the colors! U r talented =)