A scarf to match

This site just wouldn’t be complete without a scarf to match! Without further ado, I present the pretending.sanity. signature scarf.
 the pretending.sanity. signature scarf

Notice the loverly knitted red rose? This scarf will soon be available for sale, as soon as I get my shopping cart up!

I’ve also completed the white and pink Jennifer scarf which will be shipped off today tomorrow.

Jennifer scarf in pink and white

And my grass is greener purse is mostly completed, I still have to line it and I’m going to try and reinforce the bottom and sides with cardboard.

Grass is greener knitted purse

Quite a productive weekend if I do say so myself.

Category: knitting 4 comments »

4 Responses to “A scarf to match”

  1. Joelene

    Productive indeed. Love the signature scarf and the purse too! Is the scarf just garter? Have you worked on “your so called scarf?”

  2. Sarah

    Hey–I loved the signature scarf! Where did you get the pattern to make that fabulous rose?

  3. JILL


  4. Stephanie

    LOVE your scarves. They are fabulous. You are very talented!

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