It has begun

It has begun and I will have to live through 17 more years of it. Today Eden said to me “Honor is touching me.” Who knows what’s next, maybe, “Honor’s looking at me”? or maybe “Honor is on my side”?


Category: Eden, Honor 3 comments »

3 Responses to “It has begun”

  1. Bekah

    Ugh. Just don’t let them be like that annoying Sunny D commercial “I’m not tooooouching yoooouu.”

  2. Lactivist

    LOL! You wanna come over for a playdate Allison? As I sit here and type this my 5 year old is pleading with his father, swearing that his fist made contact with his brothers face on an ACCIDENT. *sigh*

    We can commiserate together.

  3. Stephanie

    HA! Yes, that is exactly what is next. And it doesn’t end until they move out of the house and get married I am guessing. It is funny you say that because my step daughter just sat down beside my step son and he said “stop touching me Ashtin”..he is it looks as if it will not be going away anytime soon.

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