sweat pants, a belt and a cell phone

So, yesterday we went to Taco Bell to partake in a delicious Fajita Grilled Stuffed Burrito (mmmm, Fajitas!). While waiting in line for our food, I observed a family filling their drinks. I was noticing the mom corralling the four children thinking that she seemed so sane (not to mention the children well behaved) for having raised four children. I was thinking of the things I would ask her about raising four children (since I can’t seem to be sane raising my two) when her husband walked up. He was wearing maroon sweat pants, a maroon, but not the same maroon, long sleeved shirt. Over his shirt he had strapped to his waist a brown leather belt. Attached to the belt was his cell phone. Let me repeat this in case you don’t quite have the mental picture. Sweat pants. Long sleeved shirt. Leather belt. Cell phone. I guess that raising four kids did affect someone in that family, he was the one that got all the crazy. Seriously, who in their right mind….?

I took a moment to offer a silent prayer (more like a desperate plea) that Jim will never get so crazy that he would think of going into public looking like that. Wait, not just in public, but ever. EVER. See, in a family you need to share the mental strain of raising kids, therefore I will gladly be a little crazy to rescue my husband from a fate worse than death, a fate of sweat pants and belted on cell phones.

Category: daily 2 comments »

2 Responses to “sweat pants, a belt and a cell phone”

  1. Lactivist

    LOL – niiiiiiiice. TG my DH doesn’t even wear sweatpants OR a belt (and we don’t even own a cell phone for that matter).

    Unfortunately it is ME who usually ends up looking like the true Walmart shopper. (I know, I’m so un-pc — forgive me!).

  2. Lindy


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