cracks and crevices
Shifts in my heart have never been gradual… more like giant leaps and bounds that come on all of the sudden. Each phase that I have gone through has been brought about so quickly. Like one day I wake up different… one moment I find myself a different person that I was the moment before.
It think that is because I’ve always been pretty adaptable. I’ve always been able to accept change… especially if I saw it coming – then I could plan. Change is well upon me and I’m finding myself settling into it. Right now, change and I are friends. I’m feeling content with my life; I feel a peace and freedom that I’ve never felt. But I’m also starting to get glimpses of how different it could be. I have this feeling that I don’t even know what great things are in store for me… but I have my suspicions and they fill me with so much hope.
Today, right now – this very moment, is already so much better than I’d ever imagined it could be. I feel so, terribly thankful.
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