Alligators and Pink Slug Bugs

Last night we went to my dads house for prime rib and to open presents. We were an hour late because we were waiting for the guy to finish installing our satellite. (My primary reason for wanting satellite is so that we could get Tivo and record Alias since they switched it to Wednesday night and we’re at youth group. This is what happens when you get really bad reception and your son sticks some kind of slimy food in the VCR rendering it useless.) I’m not used to being the flakey one in the family. You know the type, every family has one, the person that you wait on every single time. The person that has to leave in the middle of the evening to go get peppermint ice cream because their satellite installer took too long and they didn’t have time to pick some up. You know…

The kids, of course, brought home a haul. They are currently watching their newest DVD, Mary Poppins. Honor was the recipient of a cool push car and an alligator. He opened the car first and we could hardly get him to look at the alligator until we put it right in his face. (He’s going to have a huge overload tomorrow.)

Honor's alligator

Eden got her “woobie” and a pink VW bug. She’s been wanting a car for awhile now, so she was really excited.

Eden's car

Finally, here’s my Aunt, Uncle and cousins modeling the scarves and hats I made for them.

Ann and David in their loot



Category: Kids 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Alligators and Pink Slug Bugs”

  1. elizabeth

    looks like you guys had a great time and the kiddos got some great gifts! everyone looks so happy with their scarves and hats.

    thanks to you, i walked up and down the ice cream aisle at walmart 4 (yes four) times looking for peppermint ice cream ;) they didn’t have any. so i guess tonight i will improvise and put crushed up candycanes on vanilla. still won’t be the same. but i won’t rest until i find some. after the holiday, i’m driving around town till i find it ;)

    happy holidays to you and your family!

  2. K

    Love the alligator boy pic! round “baby” heads rock.

  3. Leann, the cuz

    What a beautiful, wonderful family I have. I love you guys!!!

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