Heating vent

When Eden was a year and a half, my dad gave her a bundle of Mardi gras beads. They’ve been the favorite toy for all of our little visitors ever since. Lately I’ve noticed that we’ve been missing our beads. Out of 12 strands, there were only two left kicking around the house.

Yesterday, Honor was playing with one of the strands of beads. He came and got me and grunted towards the heating vent. I took the cover off, only to discover that ALL of the beads were laying in the bottom of the heating duct. All of them, in a nice, dusty, warm pile. This child just never stops. I swear, the only time he ever plays with his toys is to stick them in the plant, the toilet, the trash can, and now the heating vent. I just don’t know what to do with him.

And now for a moment of Peanut cuteness:
Today when I was heating the remainder of lunch up in the microwave, Eden grabbed Honor’s hand, bowed her poor little hairless head and prayed for lunch all by herself.

Category: Honor 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Heating vent”

  1. Sarah

    How cute is that!

    Luckily, Thomas is too small to get into the toilet all by himself. However, we keep the doors to the bathrooms shut all the time, so it would be pretty tricky, even if he could do it!

  2. Brooke

    Remember when it was a struggle to get her to do that on her own?… See there is hope even for Honor!!!

  3. LeAnne

    Awwwwwww, that’s so cute! What’s up w/ you menu section? Just curious. I always like your suggestions.

  4. JP

    Don’t you just LOVE those unexpected yet VERY cute moments when you remember just why you love being a mom???

  5. elizabeth

    that is the cutest story!

    you know, i have to point something out. it could be worse. instead of honor putting things in the trash, he could be like bella and like to dig in it and take things out! ;)

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