
I finished all the squares for the scarf swap this weekend. I see that I got the same idea as Nadia and made cabled squares. Here are a few of mine.

Baby cables:
baby cables in red

Basic 6×6 cable:
6x6 cable

8×10 cable:
8x10 cable

I think cabling is really fun. I’ve been thinking about trying to make this purse, just because cabling is so fun. But the style is totally not me, so I have to figure out who would like the purse or how to alter it to my style.

Margaret and Nicole Cabled Clutch

Sometimes I feel like there is so much that I’d like to make, but so little time.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “cables”

  1. Joelene

    I have been planning to make that for myself! I just love that purse, I just wish I could have thought up the pattern and I would be making 100 bucks a pop.

  2. Nadia

    YAY for cables!!!! Yours look loooovely.

  3. Lactivist

    Ok, um…are you sure you want my squares? OMG they look like a 5 year old knitted them compared to yours! LOL Seriously, when I bind off I am doing it too tightly so my squares aren’t even square, lol. I’m optimistic that you can deal with that though, lol.

  4. Pam Simmons

    REally would like to have the pattern for the Margaret Nicole Clutch. Does anyone have? I would really appreciate someone sharing this if they have it. My daughter would really like me to make her one.
    Best regards,
    Pam Simmons

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