See, she’s got a little hair.

Eden's hair
She’s going to be 3 in two weeks and this as all the hair she has. I’m starting to worry that she’s got a hair growing disease!

And for your viewing pleasure, Honor’s dinner last night:
Honor with sour cream on his head

Category: Eden, hair, messes 7 comments »

7 Responses to “See, she’s got a little hair.”

  1. Lactivist

    Oh but she’s so damn cute! Look at those chongo’s (ponytails), lmao — too cute.

  2. Jennifer

    According to my mom, my aunt was like your daughter…people used to even think that she was a boy! But by the time that she entered school, she had plenty of hair, and she still does (now in her fifties).

    BTW, your daughter and son are both beautiful kids. And I love your knitting. *sigh* I wish that I had time to learn how. One of these days : )

  3. JILL

    Well guess what… Hunter cut of all Tasia’s hair!!! I mean ALL of it. So don’t feel bad, we both have little pixie haired girls right now. And of course I cried my eyes out all day over the beautiful long locks laying on the floor. :(

  4. Wendee

    She’s a cutie! BTW my sister had that much hair when she was 5. My mom thought it would never grow long! But, she has plenty of hair now!

  5. kelly

    they are adorable!


  6. Uta

    What a cutie! She has way more hair than my daughter did at that age. Now at 8 she has extremely thick hair – you would never have know she was once a baldy.

  7. Stephanie

    Ok. Seriously, my child is 18 months old and is almost still totally bald. I too am freaking out that she is going to be a baldy for the rest of her life. I would LOVE for McKenna to have that much hair! She is beautiful!

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