Imaginary Friend

Eden has an imaginary friend. Her name is Lizzy. She’s two like Eden and has pink butterfly earrings. She also has long pink hair.

Isn’t that so funny? I can’t believe how smart she is.

Yesterday I got Eden some My Little Pony Valentines Cards. It’s amazing what entertainment a $1.99 box of cardboard can provide. She spent like an hour looking at the box before we even opened them.

Category: Eden 8 comments »

8 Responses to “Imaginary Friend”

  1. LeAnne

    How far apart are your kids? I think you told me, but I forget.

  2. Sarah

    I love how Eden’s best friend has the same hair color as My Little Pony! So sweet.

  3. Lactivist

    Oh I love it! I think one of the most rewarding things about being a parent is getting to live through their imaginations. The stuff they can come up with is hilarious!

  4. elizabeth

    that is too cute! and its so amazing the details their “friend” have too! jeffin (mikey’s imaginary friend) has been living with us for a couple of years now. he’s the one that makes mikey’s room looks like a tornado went through. that darn jeffin ;)

  5. Stephanie cute is that. She was proud of those cards. I can’t wait for those times.

  6. Leann

    Taylor pulled her Bratz cards out and laid them across her bed ever so neatly in rows, then creased them all down the middle. At lunch today I put them all back in the box and hid them in the closet (the party is in two weeks!) she will notice soon and probably blame Kaden. What fun!

  7. kelly

    what a smartypants!

  8. Kari

    Cade has an imaginary friend named “Pugga Pugga” who travels the world. He’s a grown-up, he’s 16. =) You can hear him in certain songs, he’s the techo voice. Veeeryy funny

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