Old Navy Love

I am SO in love with my new purse. I bough it at Old Navy (where else?). It wasn’t the best purse to take to Las Vegas, because it doesn’t have a shoulder strap and it got a little old carrying it everywhere with my heavy camera in it. I think my hand is STILL sore.

Isn’t it JUST so great?

It also comes in pink, but I’ve been so into green lately.

I also got these shoes at Old Navy.

AHHHH, Old Navy… What would I do with out you?

Category: cool things 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Old Navy Love”

  1. LeAnne

    Old Navy (heart heart). Very cool shoes, very cool. Tell me how the Sweet and Sour Chicken is. My kids love it from the Chinese place. I would love to make it myself.

  2. Christa

    That purse is so sweet! I know what you mean about shoulder straps, though. I have to have purses that are big enough to accomodate juice cups, crayons, wipes, etc., and not fall off of my arm, LOL.

    So were you in Vegas the same time I was in Vegas? What a small world!

  3. Victoria

    Adorable purse and shoes! Green is such a lovely color :).

    I’m adding you to my blogroll, is that alright with you?

  4. elizabeth


    that is the cutest thing! i too heart old navy!

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