3rd hair cut

Honor got his third haircut yesterday. After my friend Sarah’s account of her two year olds recent hair cut, I was worried about how this would go. Luckily for me, he sat perfectly still on my lap as I buzzed his head. This was truly a miracle because he never sits perfectly still. Here he is, now of course you can’t expect him to look a the camera.

He fell flat on his face off the couch, for the fiftieth time, yesterday. Poor kid, it’s hard to believe he hasn’t broken his nose yet.

Eden actually had a hair cut the other day too. I cut about 3 hairs of her bangs to even them up a bit. We had a big talk about cutting hair. I told her that she should NEVER cut her own hair or else she would look like a boy. She took this to mean that she would BE a boy if she cut her hair. I didn’t try to hard to correct her… anything to keep her from cutting what very little she has.

Category: hair 2 comments »

2 Responses to “3rd hair cut”

  1. looloo

    I have had so many bad encounters with my daughters and scissors. My advice? A lock box.

  2. sarahgrace

    NO Fair! Actually- I took some or your advice and thought of the best things I could to distract Drew, candy and TV, and sat him down and carefully cut his hair with scissors. It didn’t go that well, but he doesn’t have a mullet any more. Wish I could show you a picture of my lovely chop job- Every time somebody says, Hey Drew got a haircut, me and Kev start laughing!

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