Mothers Day
I had a nice Mothers Day. Jim did a such a good job convincing me that he forgot about it that I woke up mad at him. We were talking about Mothers Day with the girls we were watching and Jim started freaking out saying that Mothers Day was next week because it’s always graduation Sunday. This is the first year in as long as I can remember that Mesa State College hasn’t had graduation on Mothers Day.
But (luckily for him) he came through with flying colors. The kids got me some candy and a Dora the Explorer card which was really appropriate since all Eden talks about all day is explorer stars and crocodile lake. Jim surprised me with hand blown margarita glasses and a shaker from Pier 1. (And you know how the rest of our day went, we had to test out my new glasses!)
My mom and little sis came over for lunch and we had tons of food! This is the desert I made.

It’s an ice box cake and the easiest thing I’ve ever made.
You layer Nabisco Chocolate Wafer Cookies with sweetened, whipped cream. I added some mint flavoring to the whipped cream. Then top with mini chocolate chips. Refrigerate for at least four hours and ta da! It was really, really yummy.
Category: daily 5 comments »
May 10th, 2005 at 10:01 am
Oh, I made that cake, everyday food right? I don’t cook/bake and man that was a great cake, I would even make it again. I am glad that you had a great mothers day, you desreve it. Is Honor better? I hope so, I bet your tired of chasing him around with tissues.
May 10th, 2005 at 3:04 pm
Yummy, my mouth is watering just looking at that thing….
May 10th, 2005 at 7:40 pm
sounds like you had a wonderful mother’s day! too bad you guys don’t live close by, eden could come over to bella’s dora the explorer bday fiesta she is having saturday :)
May 10th, 2005 at 10:13 pm
Love your blog! Love the cake!…I enjoyed looking at your knitting. We have both used the same Online Punta yarn–that stuff is so soft! I can’t wait to see your Frida. And I definitely want to try that herringbone scarf.
May 11th, 2005 at 7:48 am
That cake looks so yummy! So glad that you had a fun mother’s day.