Things I’ve fished out of the Toilet no.#786

Just yesterday I was thinking that I haven’t added anything new to the the “Things I’ve fished out of the Toilet” list. Doesn’t it seem that whenever you think something like that, it has to prove you wrong? Like whenever I think, “Wow, Jim and I have been getting along so well, it’s been forever since we’ve been in an argument.” Then he goes and throws away the Mervyns bag containing two brand new bras totaling over $50.00. Not only does he do this, he does it on trash day. (Don’t get me started on the things he’s thrown away.)

Well, the same happened with Honor. Just as I was marveling that his toilet fascination had come to an end, I had the wonderful opportunity to fish yet another thing out of the toilet. This may top the all time funniest thing I’ve fished out of the toilet, which by consensus is the Waffle.

Thing no.#786 that I’ve fished out of the toilet.


and feet first I may add.

Category: Honor 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Things I’ve fished out of the Toilet no.#786”

  1. elizabeth

    that is too funny!!! lmao…did you at least get a picture of it first?

  2. Cara

    Awww, that’s so funny. I hope to see a pic soon!

  3. Ginny

    This is going to be a great thing to disclose to future girlfriends! Hah, so funny.

  4. sarahgrace

    Oh my goodness! That actually sounds scarey, thank God you got there in time!

  5. kelli

    Cute picture to my left!:0)-KELLI

  6. Lactivist

    LOL! Maybe now his fascination has gone full circle. That is great, LOL!

  7. loo

    oh my, that was one heck of a laugh!

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