Book quiz

Princess Jazz tagged me for this book quiz. I’ll try to answer the questions, but since in my spare time I can either knit or read, you can guess what I choose.

1. Total number of books I’ve owned.
I’m too lazy to go count, but I’ll tell you that my book collection in NO WAY compares to my sisters. Who lives in a teeny, tiny apartment and everywhere you look, there are books and books and books.
2. The last book I bought.
“Chainfire” by Terry Goodkind (I haven’t even read it because I don’t want to be left in suspense until the next book comes out.)
3. The Last Book I read.
my Bible and uuhhh, Weekend Knitting
4. 5 books that mean something to me.
*My Bible – the only book I’ll ever “need”
*”Stitch n Bitch” by Debbie Stoller – this is how I learned to knit, it’s very dear to my heart.
*The whole Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, I never thought I’d like fantasy books, but I really like this series.
*A breast feeing book that I can’t find at the moment, but it was called something like, “So that’s what they’re for?” It was very influential in my breast feeding efforts.
*”The Visitation” by Frank Peretti. The book in and of itself is just ok, but there are a few parts about corporate church that I always think about, even years after reading the book.

5. Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals.
let me know if you want to be tagged.

I’ll be back in a few to post pics of my first sock! And yes, yes, the menu will be back this week too.

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