My first sock
I’m about to give up on ever taking a good picture ever again. Let’s all take a moment of silence for the loss of my Nikon D-70.
I don’t think I ever posted about my ipod(!) though. The ipod fairy felt so bad that I had to give up the camera that he dropped a silver mini in my lap! I love it so much.
So here’s my sock, in poor photo quality.
It was so, so rainy here this weekend that we weren’t able to camp or go to the circus (we even had free tickets) or walk down to the art and jazz festival or do much of anything. We did take our obligatory Friday trip to Target, though, where I continued to drool over the sushi plates and cool oval serving bowls that match my dishes perfectly. Which, because life is always like this, I’m sure, will be gone by the time I have money to purchase them.
AND strangest of all, it was cold here. It’s never cold here in June. It’s never cold here in May!! This has been the absolute strangest weather ever! The low was 45º. I had to dig out all of our winter bedding and clothing. I’m not complaining though, because Saturday night, Jim and I were able to sit out under our gazebo and drink hot chocolate by the fire while it rained. It was almost as nice as camping, especially because we got to sleep in our comfy bed!
Thanks to the weather, I was able to finish my sock and start on it’s mate. We also watched “The Forgotten”, “King Aurthur” and “Alfie”. I give them all a rating of 3.75 stars. Worth watching, but don’t expect too much, well “The Forgotten” was pretty good, I’ll give it a rating of 4 stars.
I also decided that I DO like my ring. I got a slightly better picture of it.

Some times I annoy myself with how picky I am!
Category: daily, knitting 7 comments »
June 13th, 2005 at 1:27 pm
I love your ring! I saw it on glitter, and its really cute.
June 13th, 2005 at 2:34 pm
Wow, your sock turned out great! You beat me to actually finishing one! What pattern did you end up using?
June 13th, 2005 at 5:31 pm
Wow I really, really like that ring!!
And your Saturday evening sounds so wonderful, I love nights like that.
June 13th, 2005 at 6:19 pm
I like Jude LAW A LOT. There’s something about him. It’s cool you have that Gazebo. I cant wait to get a house so we can have a cool yard:0)
June 13th, 2005 at 6:42 pm
i’m laughing out loud over target! that always happens to me! i like something there but i can’t buy it yet and by the time i go back, they’re all gone! damn you, target!
June 14th, 2005 at 7:03 am
i love your ring! so if you don’t mind my asking, is it outrageously expensive to commission something like that? having the ring around the stones like seems to draw the eye to them even more. i like it a lot.
i’m having a serious case of the’i need a new camera’ bug, too. i wish the pest guy could sprinkle some dust on me to kill that one…
June 14th, 2005 at 7:20 am
YAYYYYY for ipods!! I need to load tons more music on mine soon.
Your first sock looks fantastic! Did you use two circulars or double pointeds?
And I not a “traditional ring” type girl at all and I think yours is beautiful and elegant while being modern and unique.