The trip to the lake in which I got peed on by a frog
Yesterday the kids and I went to the lake with my mom and sister. I love going to the lake. I always forget how much I like swimming. I really really like to swim. Why, oh why, don’t we live in a place that having a swimming pool in our back yard is common place?
So we were at the lake and I discovered a frog. Well a toad really, but yeah… I’m not going to even bother to try to explain to the kids that there are toads and there are frogs. So this toad is a frog. So the frog. Eden insisted that I catch and hold the frog, but she wouldn’t touch him. Honor on the other hand was SO extremely excited to see the frog. “Frog! Frog! Frog!” He followed the frog all over the place. Each and every time the frog jumped right before Honor stepped on it.

As Honor put the frogs life in danger with every step, Eden observed, “The frog doesn’t say ribbit?” When Eden was first born, I had no idea how we were going to teach her all that she’d need to know. How was she going to know what a joke was? How was she going to learn how to communicate? How in the world would I explain every single aspect of life to her? I’m constantly amazed that she just learned all these things all by herself. Three years ago, she couldn’t do a single thing for herself and now she uses words like, “awful” and does things like climbing into the bathroom sink to wash her feet.
When we got home from the lake, Eden explained to her daddy that frogs don’t always say “ribbit.” And Honor came in to tell daddy what he did, “Sim, Sim, Sim!” Eden got two suckers because she dunked in the lake two times and Honor only got one because he only dunked once (not counting the time he tripped and was floating face first – don’t worry we were right there.) Eden’s already talking about when we can go to the lake again and occasionally Honor will throw in,
“Lake, Lake, Lake!”
Category: trips 5 comments »
July 15th, 2005 at 8:20 am
I love the way Honor is always saying words in threes. However, Drew tends to repeat things like a broken record until I respond accordingly and it gets rather annoying sometimes… The lake looks fun- we should all try to go together sometime in my b.a. Suburban!
July 15th, 2005 at 12:29 pm
I loved watching the kids when they were little interacting with frogs, bugs and the like. It’s so cute. We always made sure that the children understood that they were living creatures and they were to be gentle and everything had to be let go after a few minutes.
Isn’t it amazing how kids learn things on their own? They are just little sponges at that age!
July 16th, 2005 at 2:55 pm
I am constantly amazed when I have actual conversations with my 2yo. Granted, they are short. BUT the fact that I can ask her a question and she can reply in such a way that is a) understandable and b) factual (yes, the book IS outside) rocks my world. Watching her order the dog to go outside, complete with hand gestures and emphasis… it’s a bloody miracle.
And it is at these times that I feel the power and the beauty of the universe and I am so deeply humbled, I just want to bawl.
July 16th, 2005 at 3:58 pm
Hey, I just realized that you didn’t tell us about being peed on!
I want my money back!
July 18th, 2005 at 7:19 am
Emma (on looking at this page): Who are those twins?
Me: Who do you think they are?
Emma: I don’t know but they are my best friends…