
So it’s July 28th. I’m ready to be done with summer. Winter clothes are just so much better. In the summer, there’s only so much you can peel off, but winter, if you get hot, there are layers and layers to remove. AHH, fall, I need you…

Jim gave me his stupid cold and I’m kinda tired and run down today, so I don’t have much to say. So just go look at these really cool knits by minette that I found via not martha.

I especially like and want to make the multi pixie mittens and multi pixie scarf.

I think I’m going to go back to bed.

Category: daily 6 comments »

6 Responses to “yaaaaawn”

  1. Jill

    Hope you feel better sweetie! Lot’s of love & prayers!

  2. elizabeth

    oh, i hope you feel better soon. i have never been sick as much as i have been this summer.

    summer sick=ick!!!!

    big hugs!

    p.s. i too am waiting for fall (well, what lil of it we get :)

  3. LeAnne

    Oh my, I wish summer would go on forever. It’s sooooooo wonderful here in Portland. I’m so sorry you’re sick. I probably won’t be able to get to the post office with your Eden yarn today, but tomorrow for sure.

  4. sarahgrace

    Hope you feel better soon. Colds suck! Take a lot of echinacea and drink a reservoir!

  5. Elaine

    I am not such a fan of summer either. I’d just rather be snug warm under a pile of blankets than dripping with sweat, half naked and hoping I die soon.

    Hope you feel better right quick. We’re all enjoying a rare moment of wellness in my house and we have learned not to take such things for granted!

  6. Daph

    Yeah, I’m done with this summer heat. It’s taking a toll on me.

    Those knits by minette are cool, but OH MAN the prices are high!

    Oh, and I hope you get over your cold soon. It’s yucky being sick in the heat. :(

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