your late twenties have got to be hard
Yesterday was my good friend Brooke’s birthday. I feel absolutely terrible about it because instead of emailing her to wish her happy birthday, I emailed her to freak out. (And all I have to say about what was freaking me out is this: of all aspects of my life, church should not be the one that causes me so much heartache. moving on…)
Brooke turned 26 yesterday. And I know that she’s so worried about being in her late twenties now, but don’t you think she’s so cute?

Notice her birthday present, another one skein wonder, this one out of Rowan summer tweed.

Seriously she doesn’t look a day over twenty five.
Happy birthday Brooke! I love you and I thank God that you’re in my life. And for what it’s worth, I consider 26 to be the mid twenties.
Category: knitting 9 comments »
August 2nd, 2005 at 8:47 am
Happy Birthday Brooke! At least you’re younger than me!
And the shrug looks fab!
August 2nd, 2005 at 9:13 am
You know your a good friend when they email you on your b-day to vent! ;) I am glad I am that kind of friend to you (as you are to me).
Well I am only a day over twenty six! I will have to remember that I’m in my mid twenties!
And I absolutly LOVE my shrug. I think I will need the pattern!
August 2nd, 2005 at 9:13 am
Please, I consider 29 to be mid-twenties, myself.
August 2nd, 2005 at 10:45 am
WOOO HOOO! Happy Birhtday Brooke! You totally don’t look 26 and yes that is still young! We can all cry for birthdays 4 or 5 years off LOL!
August 2nd, 2005 at 11:00 am
Oh my God, I barely remember 26. That’s the year I had Cameron! 26 was great.
August 2nd, 2005 at 12:39 pm
What a beautiful present! It looks so cute on her! Yeah, I’m 27 and still in denial that I’m in my “late” twenties. My age still starts with a “2”, so I’m not going to freak out about it. Yet. LOL
August 2nd, 2005 at 6:54 pm
Yeah, 26 is so young. The youthful optimism, the energy, the vigor. It’s all gone when you get really old–say 29 or 30.
August 3rd, 2005 at 4:57 am
Happy Birthday Brooke! 25 was a hard age for me but now that I’m 27, I also consider that mid 20’s! She’s cute along with your present:0)
August 3rd, 2005 at 8:41 am
20-23 Early 20’s
24-26 Mid 20’s
27-29 Late 20’s
I don’t make this stuff up.
Besides, I’m about to turn 30, so shut your mouth and enjoy 26, girl!