Honorey boy

I can’t believe that Honor will be two at the end of September. Didn’t he just turn one? It’s really amazing how much he’s changed. I remember lamenting that he’d never speak and now he says everything. He gets his little baby point across in two word sentences.

Asking for more chicken: “More bock, bock?”
More soup: “Some. Soup. Please?”

Everything he can’t find is “hide.”

Many times you will ask him a question and he will answer, “yeah” in the deepest voice you’ve ever heard a 1 year old speak in.

At any mention of a nap or bed time he runs to the kitchen yelling, “meiowk! meiowk!” (milk)

Every morning after he gets his sippy cup of juice he says to me with the most serious face, “Boots.” He’s never once said “Dora” it’s always “Boots”

Perhaps his favorite thing to talk about is bugs. He will talk forever about a “yuck bug” and is braver than me when it comes to “yuck bugs.” In the evenings, our front steps are swarmed with cockroaches (disgusting I know!) and Honor will scramble to step on every one saying, “step. yuck. bug. YUCK!” He will also talk about a fly like it was the coolest thing in the world.

He thinks that he can get out of trouble by coming up to me, holding out his arms and saying, “Hug, mommy? Hug.” And, ahem, it’s not like it’s ever worked. No.. not at all….

But I think that the best thing he has ever said is the thing that is sure to melt my heart every time, even if he looks like this:

is, “Nuggle Mommy. Nuggle mommy.”

And then I scoop him up and hold him very tight and for a short moment, I forget that he’s covered in goo and that the playroom carpet is now blue and that I’ve got to order a whole new thing of eyeshadow and that he broke the arm off my glasses and that he just can’t stay in his bed.

My sister always reminds me that I’ve always wanted a son just like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. Somehow, God, in his infinite wisdom, decided to fulfill my wish. That’s what I call a sense of humor.

Category: Honor 10 comments »

10 Responses to “Honorey boy”

  1. sarahgrace

    What a sweet post, made my eyes well up…I have been having a hard time with Drew this week, and strangely enough that is just what I needed to hear.

  2. looloo

    you made me tear up…pay back?

  3. LeAnne

    Oh my God, you made me cry!

  4. Brooke

    Isn’t it amazing that your children can run you through EVERY emotion in a matter of seconds?! Oh, I’m with the others— not a dry eye here!

  5. Annejelynn

    I love how they grow like weeds!

  6. KB

    I feel you on pretty much all of that. We love our baby boys even if they are a bit mischeivious (I have no clue how to spell that word?)

  7. Elaine


    That is all.

    Just… WOW.

    and sniff

  8. Darlene

    Hi! Just popped over from…can’t remember where.

    I just have to say that reading the “words” he says sounds just like my daughter. She says milk the same way and also, says ‘Boots’ for Dora. How cool is that?! The other kids she is around which are close to her age don’t say those things the way she does so it was neat to see that Honor does!

    BTW, she will be 2 on September 30th.

    Have a good day!!

  9. Holli

    That “nuggle mommy” thing is about the sweetest I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait to get stuff like that!

    However, I now realize the beauty of having a son after reading that he’ll kill bugs for you at such a young age. I have got to get one of those!!

    I loved the pic.

  10. Notmarcie

    OK, I don’t want kids, but I am reconsidering in the light of their bug squashing skills…

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