A rocky start to a better week
*Remember, we’re still pretending that posting about Honor’s messes isn’t getting old.*
Yesterday after reading Looloo’s post I remembered that Honor had spilled clear nail polish on the bedroom carpet this weekend. This was entirely my fault, even though he knows he’s not supposed to be in there, because I left the polish on my night stand.
But very shortly after reading Loo’s post, just has I was getting my long awaited return phone call from Avon so I could chew them out for over charging me, I found that Honor, somehow, figured out how to get into the hall closet where my 500 bottles of fingernail polish are stored. I found a large puddle of metallic pink polish on the hallway carpet and this:

I didn’t bother to try to clean up the carpet, it needs to be ripped out anyway. And I worried that it wouldn’t be good to use fingernail polish remover so close to Honor’s eyes, so as much as I scrubbed in the bath tub, he still has a metallic pink nose. Serves him right I say.
Category: Honor, messes 6 comments »
August 23rd, 2005 at 10:04 am
Why they use the term “Child Abandonment” as opposed to “Long Vacation” I’ll never know. haha
Maybe if we each post about our children bringing us flowers or making their beds then it will happen?
August 23rd, 2005 at 10:16 am
You see, I think he’s scheming up ways to a) get his picture taken and 2) get into your blog. Start taking photos of him being good and post them here… maybe it’ll work.
Probably not, but it SOUNDS logical.
August 23rd, 2005 at 10:16 am
Wait… who ever said toddlers were logical?
Don’t listen to me, I’m clearly drunk.
August 23rd, 2005 at 10:30 am
elaine–toddlers definitely are logical. it’s just that the rest of us don’t understand their logic! :) maybe the shame of having a pink nose will help him realize the long term consequences of his actions! hehehe. you never know what’ll get through! it just looks like an alien’s sinus infection, don’t you thinK? i’m in silly mode today, i apologize in advance for being even MORE of a dork than usual (if such a thing is even possible…)
August 23rd, 2005 at 11:43 am
What ever will he get into next? There has to be a program, or an extra curricular activity you could get him into DAILY so he uses all his energy there instead of demolishing your home.
August 23rd, 2005 at 7:56 pm
Hey, Tasia did the same thing with HOOKER red nail polish on my white carpet, I used nail polish remover and it actually came out great.