Honor usually wakes up and yells “WAKE.” But this morning I was a little slow to get him out of bed and instead of yelling “WAKE” he was crying, “No want night night, no want night night.”

Category: Honor 7 comments »

7 Responses to “WAKE!”

  1. LeAnne

    Oh my God, Cameron (14) used to yell, “WAKE!” too! I am probably going to cry when he goes to high school on the 6th just like I did when he got on the kindergarten bus for the first time.

  2. KB

    how cute. they are really starting to get a hang of this talking thing. Myles stands up in his crib and says “ga morning.”

    I wish they could be playmates, but we live way too far away. Oh well, internet friendship is all it can be

  3. Carrie

    He is so cute! Does he still have his pink nose?

  4. sarahgrace

    I want night night! Can I come over to your place and sleep for a little while…

  5. kelli

    Gianna just says DA DA DA DA DA and bounces up and down really fast shaking her crib really hard at the same time. She’s like a caged animal!

  6. Daph

    Phoebe just screams. Or, sometimes she gets out of the bedroom by herself and eats a green crayon. On a good day. *wink*

    Hope you’re feeling better, mama. :)

  7. angela


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