I just… I just need some to get me through the week

(Just a second ago, I dug a wash cloth out of the toilet. Let’s not confuse this wash cloth with the one the plumber dug out of the sewer line last week. AHHH, life is GREAT!)

I’ve been going through internet withdrawls all morning. Jim stole my computer. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing to me. What am I supposed to do without a computer? Even now, I don’t have MY computer, I have the Mac Mini. The very slow 256k of ram Mac Mini… hence the reason he stole my computer. It’s just the saddest thing ever.

All I have to say is that I don’t know how much of this I can take. I NEED his RAM to come in, so he can give me back MY computer and he can take this mini. I love my husband, but he should know better than to come between me and my computer.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “I just… I just need some to get me through the week”

  1. Elaine

    Dude, I would totally bitch slap Mark if he did that. But then, I’m not a zen as you…

  2. sarahgrace

    He he he, this computer is supposed to be “ours” but if you want to go by usage, it is definitely mine. So I tend to get kind of crabby when hubby uses my valuable blogging time to surf ebay for musical gear…

  3. Candice

    toilet shenanigans crack me up

  4. ordinary girl

    LOL – again with the washcloth?!? LOL – your household needs a toilet latch and hurry!! LOL

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