
A steaming plate of all the yumminess. My dad made some really good dressing that had artichokes, spinach and brie. I could only have a bite – I hate being allergic to cheese.

The Thanksgiving Feast

Eden’s hair was so cute and curly, this picture really doesn’t do her justice. It’s so hard to take photos of moving children.

Eden enjoying her meal

This was not my smartest moment. I let the kids drink their apple cider out of real glass glasses. It was probably the highlight of their day until they had pie.

mommy's smartest move

Speaking of pie, here is my mile high apple pie, which was only half a mile high because I used 7 apples instead of the 14 the recipes called for. Can you imagine double the apples in this pie?

My half a mile high apple pie

And although this has nothing to do with anything, here’s my new hair color.


My new hair color

Category: holidays 9 comments »

9 Responses to “Yummy”

  1. loo

    that cranberry sauce looks soooo yummy!

  2. sarahgrace

    looks fantasty! And I like the color too. I’m getting sick of mine, and need to change it. Any ideas?

    And taking pics of moving kids- I was just thinking about that…he he he

  3. Elaine

    I so need to color mine again and yours looks awesome! The food also on the awesome scale. YAY!

  4. alex

    I like the hair. I think I would die if I was allergic to cheese how do you live????
    Yummy stuff you made me hungry

  5. Heidi

    Yummy stuff looks wonderful, you must be a great cook!!! Like the color and the cut. Kids look like they are in 7th heaven, how did the pie taste – looks be-u-ti-ful!

    Alergic to cheese – I could not survive. I live for cheese and dairy products – good thing I live in Wisconsin! yee – haw


  6. rachel

    wooo pretty hair! damn, being allergic to cheese is awful, poor you. i am allergic to lemon and that anoying too.

  7. Jill


  8. Annejelynn

    I la la la luv homemade apple pie…mmmmm looks fab

  9. Candice

    Yeah You look freakishly like me, lol. Brown hair, hair cut and cute little nose stud. Are you my twin? Oh wait. I have foofy hair. Yours doesn’t look foofy.

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