As if it’s possible…

Jim’s Quote of the week

“I’m bored with the internet.”

Category: NERD!, quote of the week 8 comments »

8 Responses to “As if it’s possible…”

  1. Jill

    I’ll second that!

  2. joelene

    how does that happen?

  3. loo

    bored with the what?

    Give him a list of random words and tell him to google-image them.

    I’m sure NASA has to have a cool site.

    this search page alone would keep me entertained for hours”

  4. elizabeth

    i was going to say the same thing as joelene! :)

  5. Jasmine

    Speaking of the internet…. guess what I came across today? – A thread on Craftster in which someone used your Worm Scarf pattern and referenced this site! Just thought you might want to know. :) Here’s the link: (Sorry I don’t know how to make it actually work.)


  6. Mama C-ta

    Did he go through the whole thing? ;)

  7. Daph

    I’m *so* glad I’m not the only one that this happens to! LOL

  8. sarahgrace

    I can sooo hear him saying that!

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