5 weird things about me

Elizabeth and Alex both tagged me for this.

1. I can blow air out my eye. I discovered this because my mom was demonstrating to me that she can do it.

2. I prefer mustard instead of ketchup on fries. But when I ate cheese, I could not eat mustard and cheese together, like on a cheeseburger or sandwich. ewww.

3. I love lemon pepper. I can eat it plain. Anything salty and sour… mmmm.

4. I hate mayo. (Joelene informs me that that’s strange.)

5. I am slightly obsessed with my eyelashes. I REALLY wish they were long and I’ve tried every product out there that’s supposed to make them appear longer. (Mark Lastensions is my current fav.)

Category: daily 10 comments »

10 Responses to “5 weird things about me”

  1. Candice

    I keep thinking that the eyelashes on JUST ONE EYE are falling out, like one eye is all lustruous and long and the other is going bald. My husband tells me I have WAY too much time to think about this.

  2. Kari

    Try lemon pepper on cherry tomatoes..if you haven’t already. =) I think it’s perfectly normal to hate mayo-I think it’s disgusting stuff myself. I can put a tiny bit on my tuna to hold it together, but that’s the end of the line for me.

  3. Merededeux

    Ewwwww to the eye trick!

    My daughter loves grilled cheese and mustard sandwiches.

    I hate mayo, too. I don’t even like thinking about the goopy mess.

    I’ve never noticed whether or not you have short lashes because your eye color is so pretty.

  4. alex

    heheh thanks…you eye lashes never looked lacking length in pics. Blowing air out of your eye is cetainly unique…mayo is kinda gross a little maybe but mass amounts makes me puke!

  5. Knitcore Nadia

    Mayo is totally gross. I won’t go near the stuff unless its in something like tuna or potato salad.

  6. tricia

    Mmmmmmm, salty and sour. Salt and vinegar potato chips. In this house aka, PMS delight.

  7. kb

    I bet I hate mayo more than you!

  8. sarahgrace

    LOL! I’m with Joelene- YOU’RE the weird one for not liking mayo! Ha ha ha!

    I can totally blow air out my eye too…it’s kind of a strange and disgusting little phenomena…

  9. paige

    For your lash problem, try benefit’s bad gal LASH — it’s fantastic.

  10. Carrington

    K, #1 is really sick.

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