knitting stuff

I’ve been knitting like a mad woman lately. And I still have models to get done for my classes, not to mention three friends with babys coming soon!

The collapsable cloche, a model for the store.

collapsable cloche

Some more legwarmers for a swap, I’m getting the most beautiful green vintage lucite necklace in return!

leg warmers

And the mens beanie that I’m teaching in a couple of weeks. I wrote the pattern.

mens beanie

I also went through and updated a whole bunch on my knitting page yesterday, so check it out!

Category: knitting 3 comments »

3 Responses to “knitting stuff”

  1. loo

    I love the mens beanie! I wish I had time to become a better knitter. Maybe next year…

  2. sarahgrace

    Cool! I definitely need to learn how to knit a hat soon!

  3. Heidi

    Love the hats, Can you crochet them too? My granny is coming over tommorow to “retrain” my knitting style – I do it backwards – go figure… Is that on Jeff Foxworthys – you must be a redneck if…? he he he

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