I give up

So it seems that bribing motivating Eden is not going to work. For a few days it worked, she has four stars on her calendar, and now, she just doesn’t care. I’m not really sure where to go from here. Usually she is so passive and obedient, but when she gets something in her head, she will not budge.

When I was talking to Jim about my frustration, he just said, “You’re underestimating the Jim in her.” And while I can SO see that, it doesn’t help. Our biggest fight with her is always when we want her to say something. She won’t say, “Thank You.” or she’s supposed to be memorizing a memory verse for my mom who does Bible school with her every week. She knows the verse, but she won’t say it. This is the kid who I have to ask to stop talking once in awhile just for a moment of peace.


Weren’t they supposed to come with user guides? Maybe I lost mine at the hospital when she was born.

Category: Eden 10 comments »

10 Responses to “I give up”

  1. Jill

    I’m right here with you with Tasia… she’s such a good girl but can be so stubborn in the silliest things.

  2. loo

    I have been having the same frustrations with Em. My husband says “Pick your battles” but we are both very stubborn girls. It’s going to be lots of fun when she’s a teen.

  3. Daph

    I know it’s no help, but I can SO picture your post in my head, and I’m cracking up! Maybe it’s just a phase (I remember Marissa being that way) but it’s so frustrating, I know.

  4. Heather

    Well, you saved yourself 40 bucks! LOL

    I shouldn’t be joking, I couldn’t resist. My kids are still young so I’ll be going through this soon (can you hear the loud sigh?).

    As far as Thank You, do you tell her please and thank you? This really works. Now my son YELLS at me if I forget to ask him please or tell him thank you. Kids are monsters I tell ya!

  5. Heidi

    It will get better Allison. My son did that too and he had to say please and thank you BEFORE he got what he had asked for just so he would have to say it!! LOL JoHann still does it with his memory verse. I just say you probably dont know it anyway – then he about breaks his neck to tell it to me! Kids are to much.

  6. Kari

    It’s the age, just gotta love her through it. =) She’s testing her independence and maybe asking for a little. Kinda like we grown ups do at times. =)

  7. sarahgrace

    Honey, we ALL lost our manuals at the hospital. (and they charged us for it.)

  8. Elaine

    See, that’s why I had Anya at home! I’ve lost the manual, but at least I know it’s somewhere in all this mess and NOT in a hospital waste bin!

    Sorry she’s being a silly goof.

  9. rachel

    you mean there is no manuel? damn i had better tell david. does this mean we are going to have to figure out how to do everything on our own!! panic

  10. cher

    It’s been well over forty years and I still remember how everything in me rebelled at having to say, “Thank You,” …..but especially, “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t rebellious, I was timid, and I was grateful (or repentant) There is just something about that…
    As for child-rearing guides; that is one thing that is not “one size fits all.” Our values may be the same. The desired end result similar; but each child seems to speak a different language.

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