And I’m off

I’m flying to California this afternoon. My bags are packed, I’ve got a knitting project for the plane, my ipod is loaded with music my husband doesn’t like and the 5th harry potter book. I’ve made 50 lists, and I can’t imagine how I could possibly forget anything, although I’m sure I have.

I’m worried that I’m going to miss the kids. I don’t want to miss them. I already miss them. I want to go, have a good time and be glad to come home. But I don’t want to miss them. Maybe it’s something about being needed so badly. I do this every time I go on a trip, I worry that I won’t make it back to them and at the same time, get mad at myself for missing them.

The other day Honor got one of my mixing bowls out of the cupboard, filled it with dog food, opened the back door and fed it to the dog. When I found him feeding the dog, I told him to pick up the bowl and put it in the sink. I followed him to the kitchen and found him trying to put the bowl back in the cupboard. It was full of dog slime!! How many dishes have we eaten out of that were full of dried dog slime? It’s a wonder any of us are still alive. So maybe I’ll remember this when I start to miss him. And if that doesn’t work, I can recall how he threw mac and cheese all over the dining room the other day. And I can remember that Eden told me “Whatever” or that every time she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, she leaves the bathroom light on.

Somehow, I think all of this will just make me miss them more.

Have a good week everybody, I’ll be back Monday and I’ll start putting together the scarf swap scarves!

Category: trips 13 comments »

13 Responses to “And I’m off”

  1. Elaine

    It’s ok to miss them, just don’t let it ruin your fun! You’re going to have a blast and don’t worry, we have stores in California that can make up for anything forgotten. ;)

  2. Merededeux

    Have a wonderful time. I know you’ll miss those great kids (dog slime?!?!?!) but it’ll be so nice to get back to them, you know?

  3. Jill

    Have a great time!

  4. christine

    Have a blast…… til you drop! And give Jolene a hug for me……….

  5. sarahgrace

    Have a blast Allie! Keep telling yourself, “I deserve this!” (Because you do.) I’m sure Jim will have plenty of stories to share when you get back, and you’ll be glad you missed some of them….he he he.

  6. Mama C-ta

    Have a great trip but I think you are right, you’ll be missing them anyway! Just think about how great those hugs will feel when you get home.

  7. alex

    have fun enjoy the sunshine and wave north to oregon!

  8. Karin

    How great–you’re coming our way! I hope you have a fantastic time; the weather’s been great this week. Enjoy your time to yourself–Moms deserve every minute they can find. Plus it will make you appreciate your life more when you return home. (At least that’s how it always works for me!)

  9. Heidi

    Have fun!!!!!

  10. Jill

    Great picture of Eden!

  11. Candice

    Have fun! Enjoy it while you’re gone, this missing the kids, because you’ll be back again too soon! And though you’ll be glad to be back, it will only take, maybe 5 minutes, for all the same old stuff to start again!

  12. Daph

    I hope you have a blast! I know you’ll miss the kiddos, but I hope you have a nice time, all to yourself. :)

  13. Sarah E.

    When I go away, I worry that I’ll miss my kids and that it will ruin my good time. I worry that missing my kids means that i’ve forgotten how to even have a good time! Then I worry that if I DONT miss my kids that I’m a bad mom who SHOULD be missing my kids. The mind games we play with ourselves.

    I’m pretty sure that once you remember what it’s like to have some freedom that you’ll forget to miss your kids and that when you remember them you’ll remember how great it will be to get back home.

    So–what about Jim? Worried about missing him, too? :)

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