
Honor came down with a fever around dinner time last night. He fell asleep on my shoulder a few minutes later and I transferred him to his bed. A couple of hours later he woke up, so I put a movie on for him and Eden in my room. Awhile later Eden came out to tell me that Honor was puking all over my bed. yum. He puked all night long, trying to get some sleep on the pallet I made for him on our bedroom floor.

Today he’s still got a little fever, but is keeping food down (so far!). He’s relaxing on the couch with his Batman pillow and Batman blanket wearing his Batman jammies. The puke bowl is close at hand. And I’m tired.

Category: Honor 8 comments »

8 Responses to “yawn”

  1. allisone

    Poor Honor (and poor you).
    I hope you both are feeling tip-top soon.

  2. Elaine

    Not my idea of a good night! Hope Honor is feeling better soon and you get a chance to nap. Oh, and that the lake doesn’t swallow you up on the way to the washer. ;)

  3. sarahgrace

    Oh man! Hope he’s feeling better soon! And you both are able to get some rest.

  4. Candice

    Oh the stomach flu and I know each other very well.

  5. Jill

    Oh poor baby!

  6. Kari

    Nasty stuff going on around town. Cade just came in to tell me that his stomach hurts “3*4 bad, but not throw up bad”.Pllleeeeaaseee no sick here!

  7. Scout

    Oh noooo. I hope he’s feeling better!

  8. cher

    My grandmother used to say she looked forward to the day she turned 40 because she was sure by then the kids would sleep through the night and she would finally get some rest! The best you can hope for in young motherhood is that the intervals of interruption correspond with your REM sleep cycle in which case you wake refreshed enough in the morning to at least carry on.
    BTW young ladies; when you take those funny assessments that gauge weirdness or sexiness by whether or not one sleeps nude, remember, you have not lost your sensuality by sleeping in a gown or robe. Think of it as cutting 30 seconds off your overall reaction time in the female olympic sport of leaping over the sleeping male nude to get to the child who has just sounded the starting gun with a belch or whimper!

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