Customer Service, addendum

Yesterday I got a phone call from the manager of the Bresnan office here. He profusely apologized for all the trouble we’ve been through and offered some compensation for our troubles. So it seems that sometimes when you yell loud enough, people listen.

Category: daily 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Customer Service, addendum”

  1. allisone

    So, did he offer you more pay-perview vouchers that you have to use by last week?
    *sheesh* It is almost enough to make you want to read a book – well, if the Project Runway finale wasn’t this week it might make me want to read.

  2. Kari

    Cade was 3 when we potty trained him. We told him he had to use the potty to go to school (he went for a whopping hour a day) and he did it that day. No problems, no nothing. Maybe you could think of some kind of incentive like that? Boys seem to wait till later than girls…

  3. ordinary girl

    I’ve been “potty training” my daughter since July ’04. She still has accidents pretty much daily. In a year and 7 months, I really have tried IT ALL. Good Luck! LOL

  4. ordinary girl

    um, yeah, put this on the wrong post… soryy.

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