
Over the last week or so, I’ve been trying to get some models done for the store. This is hard, because my yarn hasn’t come in yet. Luckily, I have my trusty stash to turn to. (Any suggestions of great patterns would be very welcome at this point!)

Here is a scarf that I will be teaching. The construction slightly different from the scarf in Loop d Loop.

Knit from Fiesta La Luz 100% silk.
curly scarf - la luz

And I finished another pair of Victorian Wristlets (PDF). These are made out of Cascade Pima Silk, but in the future I think I will prefer Cascade Pima Tencel. It’s a little more sturdy, a little more shiny and a little softer.

cabled victorian wristlets

Next up on my list? I think maybe the baby sweater from Knitting for Two. It is so freaking cute. I guess this means that my Ms. Marigold is on hold for a bit. But that’s ok.

Category: knitting, yarn store 3 comments »

3 Responses to “models”

  1. Merededeux

    That’s a cute baby sweater. You need any crochet-research done, just ask. :-)

  2. sarahgrace

    So how much would it cost to take the class to make a baby sweater? Cause you know, now that I’m going to be an aunt, I have to make one too!

  3. pudding

    Allison, I’d recommend knitting up some reasonably easy, very cute baby hats! I just finished a poncho for my baby Clio and I was very motivated and inspired by how quickly I could finish the project. I felt like I accomplished something (two rectangles weaved together: Woo hoo!) and now I’m really eager to buy more yarn and try another project, which I think is the kind of feeling you want to inspire in your customers! :-)

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